Thursday, May 5, 2011

Filipino Theorists

I wanna add up about the theorists... As a nurse student, we also learned that we have our own Filipino theorist in history... Here are some list of a nursing theorist in the Philippines...

Carmelita A. Divinagracia
Master of Nursing in 1975, and a doctoral degree holder in 2001, has been lauded for developing the art and competency of teaching nursing. She has lectured and written about her work as a nurse and how she has used her hands-on experience to develop better ways to teach nursing. Her love for nursing and her dedication to carve out learning tools for nursing students has been a commendable and rare field of discipline. As a teacher, she could not be anything else but a perfect thesis adviser. She has teamed up with the Commission on Higher Education for the drafting of a higher standard of competency in nursing schools in the Phils.
She can be considered as a part of nursing measure since it contributes to the well being of the patients.

Cecilia Laurente
Local nursing theorist in the Philippines, who focused her works on helping a patient through support systems specifically the family. She has a publication entitled "Categorization of Nursing activities as Observed in Medical Surgical Ward Units in Selected Government and Private Hospitals in Metro Manila.
Theory of nursing practive and career is the nursing theory of Laurente.

Carolina S. Agravante
    CASAGRA transformative leadership model was proposed by Sister Carolina. She focus on the type of leadership in nursing that can challenge the values of the changing world.

... This are the other Filipino Nurse Theorist that they contributed to us nursing student... So I hope we can be a Filipino Theorist to honor our country and can share our own contribution to other people...

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