Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Beginning Of A Student Nurse

When entering the field of a nursing, we should be sincere and give our best to this course coz in this field, you are dealing with life. The life of a student nurse starts at the school, as you enter the school that you choose, we are experiencing a mixed feelings. There are excitement, nervousness, and awkwardness to the new world. But it will lessen the feeling when you some new friends and realize that the school or university you're into makes you at home. As the day of learning starts and passed by, there you will encounter and face the real field of nursing, and it depends on the student if  he/she will enjoy the field of nursing. Other students find it fun and challenging, and others find it boring. When you are in this field all your moves must all be serious. So at the end, you are well learned and well skilled nurse.

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