Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bad Habit of a Student

What is the real life of a student in the school?? Are they satisfied where they are?? Are they happy?? Do they have a friends in the school?? If you do, are they the bad influence or good influence in your studies or in your life???

If you got influence by a friend with their bad habits... See this through if this are the list of the habits that they influence you... Even if your are nursing student... This are the other things that a student get into...

is a disease in which a person drinks alcohol even though drinking hurts his or her life. Alcoholics often find that they have problems with people close to them, with school or work, and with other parts of their lives.
Alcoholism can happen after a month or years of drinking. It is a disease that gets worse the more the person keeps drinking. Without treatment, it can destroy both emotional and physical health and can lead to death.
Alcoholism is often called a family disease because it hurts the lives of family members and others who are close to the alcoholic. For the alcoholic to get well, family members often must take part in treatment. 
According also to the survey that emale students may be at greater risk during a blackout than their male counterparts.

Everyone knows that smoking is a bad habit to us... But stopping it, it is not so hard... They say that smoking can lessen the stress, can lessen what you feel... But what really can do to you??
is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. Like heroin or other addictive drugs, the body and mind quickly become so used to the nicotine in cigarettes that a person needs to have it just to feel normal.
People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks cool. Others start because their family members or friends smoke. Statistics show that about 9 out of 10 tobacco users start before they're 18 years old. Most adults who started smoking in their teens never expected to become addicted. That's why people say it's just so much easier to not start smoking at all.

is a complex disorder characterized by compulsive drug use. People who are addicted feel an overwhelming, uncontrollable need for drugs or alcohol, even in the face of negative consequences. This self-destructive behavior can be hard to understand. Why continue doing something that’s hurting you? Why is it so hard to stop?
The answer lies in the brain. Repeated drug use alters the brain—causing long-lasting changes to the way it looks and functions. These brain changes interfere with your ability to think clearly, exercise good judgment, control your behavior, and feel normal without drugs. These changes are also responsible, in large part, for the drug cravings and compulsion to use that make addiction so powerful.]
How do you develop it? You got influence by your friends... You wanna try it with your friends because of curiosity...

Student Nurse in the Hospital

A Hospital Student Nurse is a vital component in the curricula of pre-registration nursing courses and provides student nurses with the opportunity to combine cognitive, psychomotor, and affective skills. Various studies have suggested that not all practice settings are able to provide nursing students with a positive learning environment. In order to maximize nursing students’ clinical learning outcomes, there is a need to examine the clinical learning environment. The purpose of this study was to assess pre-registration nursing students’ perceptions of hospital learning environments during clinical field placement. Quantitative and qualitative methodology was used.

Student nurses are learning in the school for them to perform like a professional nurse in the hospital... It is not easy to study everything what we are doing in the hospital because we are dealing the life of the nurse... We have to train harder to be efficient in our work... We have to go thru lecturing of a Clinical Instructor, then demonstrating the things he/she taught us... But it is still different from the school to hospital... We are facing a dummy person not a real person that we can realize that we are in the right procedure... So even if we are handling a dummy patient in the school, we are still being careful and concentrate for us to be better in the real situation... Tricky but fun!! and relief if at the end of your duty, you have done something good to others and helping them... It is so grateful...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Filipino Theorists

I wanna add up about the theorists... As a nurse student, we also learned that we have our own Filipino theorist in history... Here are some list of a nursing theorist in the Philippines...

Carmelita A. Divinagracia
Master of Nursing in 1975, and a doctoral degree holder in 2001, has been lauded for developing the art and competency of teaching nursing. She has lectured and written about her work as a nurse and how she has used her hands-on experience to develop better ways to teach nursing. Her love for nursing and her dedication to carve out learning tools for nursing students has been a commendable and rare field of discipline. As a teacher, she could not be anything else but a perfect thesis adviser. She has teamed up with the Commission on Higher Education for the drafting of a higher standard of competency in nursing schools in the Phils.
She can be considered as a part of nursing measure since it contributes to the well being of the patients.

Cecilia Laurente
Local nursing theorist in the Philippines, who focused her works on helping a patient through support systems specifically the family. She has a publication entitled "Categorization of Nursing activities as Observed in Medical Surgical Ward Units in Selected Government and Private Hospitals in Metro Manila.
Theory of nursing practive and career is the nursing theory of Laurente.

Carolina S. Agravante
    CASAGRA transformative leadership model was proposed by Sister Carolina. She focus on the type of leadership in nursing that can challenge the values of the changing world.

... This are the other Filipino Nurse Theorist that they contributed to us nursing student... So I hope we can be a Filipino Theorist to honor our country and can share our own contribution to other people...

Let us talk about what is first year student nurse is studyin in the class... Every year has 2 semester plus the summer... So they have to persue on their course for them to become a Registered Nurse or more than that... Once you've attain your goal, it is easier for you to cope up to every obstacle of this course and yourself also... They have to strive hard in able for them to have a good future in his/her life or to their family...

In order for that, they have to learn the beginning of nursing... What is really about nursing?? When and how did it start?? How did theorists start the theories? What is their motivation to end up with that theories.

First is the Theoretical Foundations of Nursing which is they have to study the different theories of a nurse and the beginning of a nurse... How Florence Nightingale become the mother of nursing??? How she adore to serve the people on her time that is why she discovered the Environmental Theory... Youll be amazed that in every story of the theory they discovered it, it has a twist and better learning for us nursing student... We have lots of nursing theorists and theories that can be learned and be our guide to persue or achieve the nursing course...

Betty Neuman

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Beginning Of A Student Nurse

When entering the field of a nursing, we should be sincere and give our best to this course coz in this field, you are dealing with life. The life of a student nurse starts at the school, as you enter the school that you choose, we are experiencing a mixed feelings. There are excitement, nervousness, and awkwardness to the new world. But it will lessen the feeling when you some new friends and realize that the school or university you're into makes you at home. As the day of learning starts and passed by, there you will encounter and face the real field of nursing, and it depends on the student if  he/she will enjoy the field of nursing. Other students find it fun and challenging, and others find it boring. When you are in this field all your moves must all be serious. So at the end, you are well learned and well skilled nurse.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Nursing Student Life

Greetings everyone.......This blog is all about nurses, daily life of a nurse student.......How they can survive that chosen career.......

First and foremost, we are a student of a nursing school. To know the real world of being a nurse student. How the nurses face their trials in many challenge in their everyday living as a nurse student. Being a nurse student is hard because in this field we all know that we are dealing with lives. We students in nursing are having a hard time in our field, in every step we take, we should always be in serious motion specially when nurses are at the hospital and performing what they have learned in the school....